
Automatic tracking of a telescope on a equatorial mounting by USB-Webcam.

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Guidemaster is a tool for the automatic tracking of a telescope on a equatorial mounting by USB-Webcam.

Supported cameras for guiding: webcams, SC1,SC2,SC3 modified webcams, Meade LPI camera, all cameras, which either supports VFW or DirectX, shoestring USB adapter for modified webcams, serial interface for modified Webcams, Trifid Nugget Camera from Yankee Robotics and more.
Supported telescop interfaces: paralell port, ASCOM interface, serial port (LX200 commandset), Shoestring (GPRINT and LXUSB) and Pierro Astro.

This program received 1 award
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Matthias Garzarolli
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Astrorugbynut 3 years ago

Absolutely the easiest guiding software available since Guide Dog. Simple to use and very accurate. Much less complicated than PHD.

Guest 9 years ago

Does Guidemaster support the ZWO ASI034MC camera?